Vylpes e6c845e3b2
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Switch to TypeORM's DataSource API (#299)
- Switch to TypeORM's DataSource API, rather than using the now deprecated ormconfig.json
- This will fix stage deployment not knowing how to deploy the database migrations


> **NOTE:** This change requires the deployment scripts to be updated, please update them on the server before merging

Co-authored-by: Ethan Lane <ethan@vylpes.com>
Reviewed-on: https://gitea.vylpes.xyz/RabbitLabs/vylbot-app/pulls/299
2023-05-26 17:59:22 +01:00

77 lines
2.2 KiB

import { Client } from "discord.js";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import { createConnection } from "typeorm";
import { EventType } from "../constants/EventType";
import ICommandItem from "../contracts/ICommandItem";
import IEventItem from "../contracts/IEventItem";
import { Command } from "../type/command";
import { Events } from "./events";
import { Util } from "./util";
import AppDataSource from "../database/dataSources/appDataSource";
export class CoreClient extends Client {
private static _commandItems: ICommandItem[];
private static _eventItems: IEventItem[];
private _events: Events;
private _util: Util;
public static get commandItems(): ICommandItem[] {
return this._commandItems;
public static get eventItems(): IEventItem[] {
return this._eventItems;
constructor(intents: number[]) {
super({ intents: intents });
CoreClient._commandItems = [];
CoreClient._eventItems = [];
this._events = new Events();
this._util = new Util();
public async start() {
if (!process.env.BOT_TOKEN) {
console.error("BOT_TOKEN is not defined in .env");
await AppDataSource.initialize()
.then(() => console.log("Data Source Initialized"))
.catch((err) => console.error("Error Initialising Data Source", err));
super.on("interactionCreate", this._events.onInteractionCreate);
super.on("ready", this._events.onReady);
await super.login(process.env.BOT_TOKEN);
this._util.loadEvents(this, CoreClient._eventItems);
public static RegisterCommand(name: string, command: Command, serverId?: string) {
const item: ICommandItem = {
Name: name,
Command: command,
ServerId: serverId,
public static RegisterEvent(eventType: EventType, func: Function) {
const item: IEventItem = {
EventType: eventType,
ExecutionFunction: func,