Vylpes 400b4de304
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
feature/98-timeout-command-2 (#306)
- Prevent user from trying to time out a bot
- Update time length input to ignore commas


Co-authored-by: Ethan Lane <ethan@vylpes.com>
Reviewed-on: https://gitea.vylpes.xyz/RabbitLabs/vylbot-app/pulls/306
2023-06-30 17:33:04 +01:00

156 lines
5.4 KiB

import { CacheType, CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, GuildMember, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, TextChannel } from "discord.js";
import { AuditType } from "../constants/AuditType";
import EmbedColours from "../constants/EmbedColours";
import Audit from "../database/entities/Audit";
import SettingsHelper from "../helpers/SettingsHelper";
import TimeLengthInput from "../helpers/TimeLengthInput";
import { Command } from "../type/command";
export default class Timeout extends Command {
constructor() {
super.CommandBuilder = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Timeouts a user out, sending them a DM with the reason if possible")
.addUserOption(option =>
.setDescription('The user')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription("How long to timeout for? (Example: 24h, 60m)")
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('The reason'));
public override async execute(interaction: CommandInteraction<CacheType>) {
if (!interaction.guild || !interaction.guildId) return;
// Interaction Inputs
const targetUser = interaction.options.get('target');
const lengthInput = interaction.options.get('length');
const reasonInput = interaction.options.get('reason');
// Validation
if (!targetUser || !targetUser.user || !targetUser.member) {
await interaction.reply('Fields are required.');
if (!lengthInput || !lengthInput.value) {
await interaction.reply('Fields are required.');
if (targetUser.user.bot) {
await interaction.reply('Cannot timeout bots.');
// General Variables
const targetMember = targetUser.member as GuildMember;
const reason = reasonInput && reasonInput.value ? reasonInput.value.toString() : null;
const timeLength = new TimeLengthInput(lengthInput.value.toString());
const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Member Timed Out")
.setDescription(`<@${targetUser.user.id}> \`${targetUser.user.tag}\``)
name: "Moderator",
value: `<@${interaction.user.id}>`,
name: "Reason",
value: reason || "*none*",
name: "Length",
value: timeLength.GetLengthShort(),
name: "Until",
value: timeLength.GetDateFromNow().toString(),
// Bot Permissions Check
if (!targetMember.manageable) {
await interaction.reply('Insufficient bot permissions. Please contact a moderator.');
// Execute Timeout
await targetMember.timeout(timeLength.GetMilliseconds(), reason || "");
// Log Embed To Channel
const channelName = await SettingsHelper.GetSetting('channels.logs.mod', interaction.guildId);
if (!channelName) return;
const channel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.find(x => x.name == channelName) as TextChannel;
if (channel) {
await channel.send({ embeds: [ logEmbed ]});
// Create Audit
const audit = new Audit(targetUser.user.id, AuditType.Timeout, reason || "*none*", interaction.user.id, interaction.guildId);
await audit.Save(Audit, audit);
// DM User, if possible
const resultEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setDescription(`<@${targetUser.user.id}> has been timed out`);
const dmEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setDescription(`You have been timed out in ${interaction.guild.name}`)
name: "Reason",
value: reason || "*none*"
name: "Length",
value: timeLength.GetLengthShort(),
name: "Until",
value: timeLength.GetDateFromNow().toString(),
try {
const dmChannel = await targetUser.user.createDM();
await dmChannel.send({ embeds: [ dmEmbed ]});
name: "DM Sent",
value: "true",
} catch {
name: "DM Sent",
value: "false",
// Success Reply
await interaction.reply({ embeds: [ resultEmbed ]});