# VylBot App Discord bot for Vylpes' Den Discord Server. ## Installation Download the latest version from the [releases page](https://github.com/Vylpes/vylbot-app/releases). Copy the config template file and fill in the strings. ## Requirements - NodeJS v16 - Yarn ## Usage Install the dependencies and build the app: ```bash yarn install yarn build ``` Setup the database (Recommended to use the docker-compose file) ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` Copy and edit the settings files ```bash cp .env.template .env # Edit the .env file cp ormconfig.json.template ormconfig.json # Edit the ormconfig.json file ``` > **NOTE:** Make sure you do *not* check in these files! These contain sensitive information and should be treated as private. Start the bot ```bash yarn start ``` Alternatively, you can start the bot in development mode using: ```bash yarn start --dev ``` > Dev mode ensures that the default prefix is different to the production mode, in case you have both running in the same server.